Thursday, September 10, 2009


This CT scan, taken 22 days after pulmonary contusion with major chest trauma, shows that the contusion has completely resolved.Pulmonary contusion usually resolves itself without causing permanent complications; however it may also have long-term ill effects on respiratory function. Most contusions resolve in five to seven days after the injury. Signs detectable by radiography are usually gone within 10 days after the injury—when they are not, other conditions, such as pneumonia, are the likely cause. Chronic lung disease correlates with the size of the contusion and can interfere with an individual's ability to return to work. Fibrosis of the lungs can occur, resulting in dyspnea (shortness of breath), low blood oxygenation, and reduced functional residual capacity for as long as six years after the injury.

As late as four years post-injury, decreased functional residual capacity has been found in most pulmonary contusion patients studied. During the six months after pulmonary contusion, up to 90% of people suffer difficulty breathing. In some cases, dyspnea persists for an indefinite period. Contusion can also permanently reduce the compliance of the lungs.


Pulmonary contusion can result in respiratory failure—about half of such cases occur within a few hours of the initial trauma. Other severe complications, including infections and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) occur in up to half of cases. Elderly people and those who have heart, lung, or kidney disease prior to the injury are more likely to stay longer in hospital and have complications from the injury. Complications occur in 55% of people with heart or lung disease and 13% of those without.

Of people with pulmonary contusion alone, 17% develop ARDS, while 78% of people with at least two additional injuries develop the condition. A larger contusion is associated with an increased risk. In one study, 82% of people with 20% or more of the lung volume affected developed ARDS, while only 22% of people with less than 20% did so.

A chest X-ray showing acute respiratory distress syndromePneumonia, another potential complication, develops in as many as 20% of people with pulmonary contusion. Contused lungs are less able to remove bacteria than uninjured lungs, predisposing them to infection. Intubation and mechanical ventilation further increase the risk of developing pneumonia; the tube is passed through the nose or mouth into the airways, potentially tracking bacteria from the mouth or sinuses into them.Also, intubation prevents coughing, which would clear bacteria-laden secretions from the airways, and secretions pool near the tube's cuff and allow bacteria to grow. T

he sooner the endotracheal tube is removed, the lower the risk of pneumonia, but if it is removed too early and has to be put back in, the risk of pneumonia rises. People who are at risk for pulmonary aspiration (e.g. those with lowered level of consciousness due to head injuries) are especially likely to get pneumonia. As with ARDS, the chances of developing pneumonia increase with the size of the contusion. Children and adults have been found to have similar rates of complication with pneumonia and ARDS.

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